Science and Engineering Tools and Their Producers

An extract of the Science and Engineering Directory produced by EMS Professional Shareware.
Copyright 1997, EMS Professional Shareware

This space for rent.

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2Convert v1.10 - Go Software
2DFlow v1.1a - Dynaflow, Inc.
3D Diffraction Drawing - Naughter, P.J.
4D-View - Dzialak, Wojtek
4field - Little, Brown and Company
75 Molecule Files - Ruch, Henning
A Project/Event Planner v3.4 - Sapphire Software, Inc.
AA.ARC 5.4 - Moshier, Steve
Aciran for DOS v3.6 - Aciran Software Systems
Active Filter Design - Sitting Duck Software
Air-Flow-Calc v1.01 - Slusser, J. W.
AISC Shapes - Archon Engineering, P.C.
Alert3 v5.1 - Gardner, John W. Jr.
Algebra Editor - Henckel, John
Algebraic Differentiation Prog - Cronos
AlgeTrig v1.3 - Bailey, Duane
All About Pumps - The Animated Software Company
Amplifie - Dagn, Michael
Analysis v4.0 - Wallenstein, Gene V.
Analysis.BAS - Cleff, Chester
Angle v2.0 - Jonas, Steve
ANTDL6WU v1.0 - Holmes, Art
Antennas - Sarosi, Wayne M.
ANTFO v2.0 - Holmes, Art
AQL, IQL & UQL Calcs v9308 - QA Training Tools
Asphalt Pavement Design v2.0 - GA Dept. of Transportation
Astro - Thayer, Don
ASTRO for DOS v2.86 - Christopher J. Noyes Software
ASTRO for Windows v1.16 - Christopher J. Noyes Software
ASTRO v2.02 - Reeves, Malcolm
AstroDataFitter v3.12 - PCSCC, Inc.
AstroEquationSolver v3.12 - PCSCC, Inc.
Astrolog v5.20 - Pullen, Walter D.
AstroMart v4.0 - Burns, F.
Astronomy Assistant - Breedlove, Allen
Astronomy Assistant Doc File - Breedlove, Allen
Astronomy Assistant Text File - Breedlove, Allen
Astronomy Lab f/ Windows v1.14 - Personal Microcosms
Astronomy Notes - Boomeria Softworks
AstroShadowBox v3.12 - PCSCC, Inc.
Atom.exe - Altman, Robert C.
Autoexam - Bono, Rich
Automate v4.0 - Penn, Boyd W.
Autoskem v1.3 - Markovitch, David J.
Ballistic Calculator - Colsanti, John
Ballistic v4.10 - Frenchu, William
Ballistic Worksheet - Wade, Dale A.
Ballistix II v1.1B - Mile 300 Computer Services
Barometric Pressure Conversion - O'Hearn, Shawn
BaseEDit v1.00 - Hwan-Seok, Rhee
Bastrig v2.5 - Zimmerman, J.
bCAD v1.00 - Intellect Business Consultants
Beam Antenna Direction v1.11 - JCI Shareware
Beam Cookbook 2D v1.03 - SoftEngineering
Beam v2.1 - Engineers' Shareware
Beams v1 - Archon Engineering, P.C.
BestCut v1.6 - IBIS, Inc.
Bid-Biz v1.9 - Smith, I.J.
Big Chem Historical Notes - Boomeria Softworks
Big Chem Review - Boomeria Softworks
Big Number Cruncher v1.16 - Ivory Tower Software
Bill of Matls Generator v1.00 - Annabec Business Services
Binary Partn Tree Constr v9203 - QA Training Tools
Biology v1.0 (Respiration) - Best in Town
Biomurffs - Murphy, D.J.
Biotopia v2.1 - Liekens, Anthony
Blaze - Blaise Scientific Company
Boardfeet Calculator - Construction Works, Inc.
BoFlow v3.0 - MicroKin Software
BoundODE v1.22 - PowerServ
Boundry v2 - Sitting Duck Software
bQuick Design v0.1.0 beta - Benchmarq Microelectronics
BTU Analysis v3.1.2 - Enchanted Tree Software
Buford v1.1 - Buford
Bulbs v2.1 - Graydon, Paul
CAD/Draw v2.0E - TommySoftware
CalcJNC v9.5 - Cox, James N.
Calman - Langlais Computer Consultants
CAMS v3.05 - Computer Geometry Company
Carpenter's Dream v2.11 - Workhorses, Inc.
Cascade Draw - Cascade Graphics Systems
CBEAM 3.11 - BenArit ltd.
CCICAP v4.09 - Circuit Concepts, Inc.
Center Drill Calculator v3.5 - Zakas, Richard
Chart v1.23 - Talisoft
Chartist v1.7 - Novagraph
Charts Unlimited v2.0 - Graphware, Inc.
Cheby v1.1B - Solin Laboratories, Inc.
Chemcl Rxns & Equilibria v5.00 - Benton, Dudley J.
ChemGraf 0.95 - Ruch, Henning
Chemical v3.1 - Puhl, Larry
Chemistry Reference Lib. v1.0 - Kramer, David
ChemoFix - Trinkle, Randy
ChemPac1 v1.10 - Duchek Computer Services
ChemPac2 v1.0 - Duchek Computer Services
ChemPac3 v1.20 - Duchek Computer Services
Chempal v2.40 - Science Factor Systems
Chiwriter - Horstmann Software Design
ChromView - Shareware version - Producer unknown or anonymous
CirCAD v3.52 - Holophase Inc.
CNC CAD CAM v3 - Northland Multisoft
Cntrl-Limit-Theorem Sim v9404 - QA Training Tools
CodeGen v1.0 - JM Software
Coils v1.1 - Cooper, Mendel
Command Line Calculator v1.77 - Lepek, Alex
Complex Number Calculator v1.0 - Spector, Joe
Comprssbl Flow Calculatr v1.44 - Lamar University-Beaumont
Computatnl Chem Manual v3.12 - PCSCC, Inc.
Computer Conversn Factors v1.0 - Microcode Concepts
Concrete Calculator - Producer unknown or anonymous
Concrete Calculator v1.0 - Dean, Glen C.
Concrete Calculator v1.0 - The Queen's Chair
ConEST Version v3.0 - Coston Development Corp.
Control Chart Simulator v9402 - QA Training Tools
Control Charts Made EASY! v2.0 - Libert Computer Systems
Conversion Master v2.01 - Moseby, Roger L.
Conversions by Rosewood v1.11 - Rosewood Software
Convert It - Wilstar
Convert It! SE v3.0B - SMI Corporation
Cooling Tower v3.21 - Benton, Dudley J.
Correlation analysis v1.7 - Salmi, Timo
Cosmos v16.10 - Lee, Gene W.
CountyCAT v1.31 - Birkhead, Andy
Crvplot - Simply Software
Cryptaid - Lovelock, David
Curve Digitizer v3.0 - West Coast Consultants
Curve Fitter v1.1 - Young, David C.
Curvefits v5.15 - Arkins, John P.
Curvfit v1.20 - PowerServ
CyberSky v1.0C - Schimpf, Stephen Michael
Data Print - Man Machine Interface
DataVu v1.1 - Olympic Software
Daubechies' Wavelets - Gollmer, Stephen
DC Challenge v2.10 - ETCAI Products
DC Circuit Analysis v1.4 - Tanzella, Arthur
DC Fonts - Alford, Ross
DC v1 - Crescent Multimedia Systems
DE118 - Moshier, Steve
DeedPlot v0.53 - CAVE, Inc.
Deep Space 3D v5.54 - David Chandler Company
Degree 2 Radians v4.0 - TTW, Inc.
DELP - Maconochie, David J.
DeltaCad v2.1 - Midnight Software
Demand v2.5 - Electrical Design Software
Designs 1/2/3 Stage Smpl v9310 - QA Training Tools
Detain v1.0 - -Mate Software
Dgrav - Cummings, Jeff
Digital Challenge v2.10 - ETCAI Products
Dinosaur Encyclopedia - HyperWorks
Direct Seqntl Anal Comp v9109 - QA Training Tools
Discone v1.0 - Davis, Mike
Distribution Functions v1.2 - Von Tress, Mark
DLANET v1.0 - Huelsman, L.P.
Document Processing Systm v1.1 - Sherrod, Phillip H.
Dome v3.50 - Bono, Richard J.
DOS Expression Evaluator v3.01 - Reagan, Terry A.
DRAFT Choice f/DOS v2.15E - Trius, Inc.
DRAFT Choice f/Windows v2.00E - Trius, Inc.
Draw2Me - DLS Development
DrawMap v2.2 - Teeri, Teemu
Drill v5I - Axis Unlimited
Drywall Estimator - Canzoneri, Craig
Dwelcalc v1.0 - Electrical Design Software
Dy-syst - Waggoner, Dan
Dynamic Maths Function - Somlai, Norbert
Earthmoon - Altman, Robert C.
EarthWatch v3.5 - Elanware, Inc.
Easistat v2.1 - ARC Scientific Ltd.
Easy Draft v5.0 - Andrews, Scott
EasyCASE - Evergreen CASE Tools
Easyflow v5.8 - Haventree Software Limited
Ecogene v1.10 - Wye Software
Edgeflow v6.0 - Pacestar Software
EditPCB v2.7 - Softronix
EE Toolbox v1 - Desjardins, Mike
EE v1.1 - Scott, D.E.
Electrc v9.2 - La Capra, Robert J.
Electron v2.5 - H&P Software
Electronic Periodic Table - Divis, Chris
Electronics Tutorial 1 - Magenheimer, Thomas
Electronics Tutorial 2 - Magenheimer, Thomas
ElectTechCompAidedInstr v1.25 - ETCAI Products
Element Study Aid 4.0.1 - Enchanted Tree Software
Elemental v 2 - CleoSci
Energy v2.5 - Electrical Design Software
Equal-Ripple LC Fltr Synthesis - Kost, Robert
Equate v5.0 - Producer unknown or anonymous
Estibid v1.1 - Software Associates Labs
Euler & Pi - Ballon, Thierry
Euler v3.21 - Grothmann, R.
EWMA-Shewhart QC Schemes v9205 - QA Training Tools
Ex Scientific Calculator v1.51 - Wrotniak, J. Andrzej
Expon Wghtd Movg Avg Sim v9211 - QA Training Tools
EyeBall Sequence Editor 1.09e - Cabot, Eric
EZ555 Timer Designer v96 - ETCAI Products
Fahrenheit/Celsius Converter - Producer unknown or anonymous
Fast Frequency Analysis - Larratt, Shannon
Fastcalc v1.1 - TTW, Inc.
Fatigue - Bailey Consulting
FC_Chart - Strand, Loren W.
Feet-Inch Dimensnl Calc v3.1 - CLAW Software Company
FEMIS v1.00.16 - Computational Technology
FilterCAD v1.70 - Linear Technology Corporation
FILTRY v1.10 - Lebduska, Petr
Find Circle Center - Producer unknown or anonymous
FIT2 v1.21 - Filho, Armando Oscar Cavanha
FIT2 v1.4BETA - Courtney, Michael
Flanges v3.1 - Perez-Ramos, Carlos S.
Flasher v1.52 - Zimmerman, J.
FlowLoop 2.1A - GEDCO Software, Inc.
Fluid Flow Calculations v1.1 - DeBlanc, Frank M.
FM Stereo Simulation v1.2 - Quantics
FodTrack v1.2 - Mornhinweg, Manfred
Formula Club Game - Boomeria Softworks
FORmula TUNE v1.38 - Lovelock, David
Formula.BAS - Claff, Chester
Fourhand v1.00 - Silicon Alley
Fractal DNA Imager 1.0 for WIN - Software Visions
Fractal Explorer - Lusa, Jerry
Free & Easy v1.11 - Free & Easy Software
Free Periodic Table - Evans, Hilton
FX-TW523 Interpreter v1.0 - Christensen, Bruce
FXCGA - Cowther, Kenneth
Galilean Simulator - Naughter, P.J.
Galsat v5.0 - Bruton, Dan
GammaCAD PRO for Windows v2.02 - Gamma Software
Gbeam v2.0 - GRAPE Software, Inc.
GC-PREVUE - GraphiCode
Gear - Angstadt, R.
Generic Cadd Level 3 Disk 2 - Producer unknown or anonymous
Generic Cadd Level 3 Disk 3 - Producer unknown or anonymous
Generic Cadd Level 3, 1 of 3 - Producer unknown or anonymous
Genetic - Carlson, Scott
Geoclock v7.0 - Ahlgren, Joseph R.
Geod v1.1 - Aurand, H.S.
Geometry Calculator v1.02 - Lica, Julio Cesar
Geosynchronous Satellites v1.0 - Miller, Philip
GEPASI v2.08A - Mendes, Pedro
Grafer v2.1 - Lovell, Robert
Grafpapr v1.00 - Custom Software Services
Graphica v2.7 - Montes, Antonio
Graphit! v6.01 - TTW, Inc.
Graphmatica for Windows v1.30C - kSoft, Inc.
Graphmatica v3.30B - kSoft, Inc.
Gravity v2.0 - Safarik, Steve
Great Circle Math Formulas - Altman, Robert C.
Gridfind - Andrews, Ray
Grow'Em v3.01 - Postuma, Paul
GrowIt MkII - Innovative Thinking
Guess True Fractn Defctv v9210 - QA Training Tools
Guide to Indoor Air Quality - US Environmntl Protectn Agency
Halley's Unnatural Disasters - Hindsight
HAM Test Advanced Class v2.17 - GHZ Engineering
HAM Test Extra Class v2.16 - GHZ Engineering
HAM Test General Class v2.17 - GHZ Engineering
HAM Test Novice Class v2.20 - GHZ Engineering
HAM Test Technicn Class v2.20 - GHZ Engineering
Hamtest v1.1 - Singleton, Jeff
Handy Calc v1.0 - Allison, Christopher
Handy Engineer Tool - Zenith Data Systems User Group
Handyman v2.0 - Hunting, Dan
Hardy Cross Analysis v6 - Eaglin, Ron
Harris Data & X-Ref v2.0 - Harris Semiconductor Info Ctr
Heart Movie - Needham, Rick
Heat Loss Calculations - Senes Consultants
Heatload v1.0 - All-Temp Engring Consultants
Heatloss v1.0 - Snyder, William
Helpful Engineer Pack - Hale, Art
Hexcalc - Cantlon, Tom
Highway Curves v2.0 - DeBlanc, Frank M.
Home Design 3D - RiverSoft
HomePlan v2.7 - Herndon, Chuck
HortMan v2.1 - Sunrise Software
Hot_Cold - Grumann, Harold M.
HRCalc v2.00 - Irizarry, David C.
Hubble Space Telescope v1.2 - Sci-Vision
Hurricane Tracking Systm v5 - PC Weather Products
HVAC_R Calculator v1.0.0 - Still, Craig
HydraCyl v1.22 - Fluid Power Software
Hydroflow II rev. - Tahoe Design Software
Hypergeo v2.1 - Warecraft
Hypersignal v3.01 [demo] - Hyperception
Hyperspace Simulator - Mitchell, Fred
Hyprgeomtrc Seqntl Smplg v8903 - QA Training Tools
Industrial Ventilation Templat - WJD Computer Services
Infinite Precision Calculator - Haveliwala, Taher
Inspectors Assistant v1.1 - Waldrop, Jeff
Integrl Scientist f/Chem v2.01 - Integral Scientific Software
Interactive Engr Manl v3.12 - PCSCC, Inc.
Interactive Optics Manl v3.12 - PCSCC, Inc.
Interactive Physics Manl v3.12 - PCSCC, Inc.
J-Works v2.2 - MicroWorks
Job Cost Program v2.01 - BayouSoft Software
Job Estimator v1.31 - Norris, Allen R.
Jupiter Satellite Sim/Charter - Fowler, Ron
Kalkulator v1.21 - Wrotniak, J. Andrzej
Kalkulator v1.21/32 - Wrotniak, J. Andrzej
Karnaugh Map Boolean Algebra - Motahed, Omid
Kintecus 1.6 - Ianni, James C.
KURV+ for Windows v4.2A - Conrad Button's Software
Kwikstat v4.1 - TexaSoft
Labs for the Classroom Laser - Producer unknown or anonymous
Labtrac v3.0 - M Squared Technologies
LAD regression analysis v1.5 - Salmi, Timo
Landscape Design 3D v1.1 - RiverSoft
Landscape Explorer 3D v3.01 - WoolleySoft
Laser Demonstrations & Labs - Boomeria Softworks
Lasrflow v1.1 - Bumgardner, Jim
LensCAD v1.0 - Michael, James M.
Lie v4.3 - Head, Alan K.
Linear Equations v1.2 - Mok, Nelson
LinePlot v1.2 - Neighborhood Business Svcs
Loadcalc v1.1 - La Capra, Robert J.
Loci Version v1.1 - Jackson, Greg
Log-EGF v7.28 - EQF Software
Log-Yagi v1.6 - Granholm, Holger
Logic Circuit Analysis v1.1 - Tanzella, Arthur
Logisym v3.0 - Dobson, Andrew J.
LogSim v2.1 - Romanowski, Scott
LP v2.61 - Huth, Cornel
Lumber Estimation - Producer unknown or anonymous
Lunareclipse v2.0E - Nuesch, Christian
Macro Conversion - Photo Expression
Maidenhead Grid Square Locator - Maserang, Paul
MapDraw v2.10 - Informatik Inc.
Mapper v4.7 - Holsclaw, Russ
Marine Navigation v4.5 - C&E Associates
Master Calculator v1.99 - Gosseau, Didier
Math And Fun Int'l Assoc v2.0 - Shippony, Zvi
Math Tutor 1A - ARS Software
Math387 v1.0 - Williams, C.D.
Mathbook+ for Windows v2.2 - Conrad Button's Software
Mathematical Expression Calc. - Kochaniak, Greg
Mathhelp v1A - Wenzel, Mike
Mathomatic 6.2 - Gesslein II, George
Mathpad v1.0 - Pera, Timothy
Mathpad v1.3A - Bailey, Duane
Mathplot v3.7 - Sherrod, Phillip H.
Maths Algorithm Library v1.00 - Backyard Tech
MathTools v3.60 - TTW, Inc.
Matrix Calculator v1.1 - Loewer, Wesley B.
Matrix Unit - Producer unknown or anonymous
MatrixCalc v1.0 - Producer unknown or anonymous
Max Lklihd Ftg Neg Binom v9311 - QA Training Tools
McGarrett Utilities - McGarrett, D.
Mechan v94-1 - Radcliffe, Prof. Charles W.
Menstr v1.2 - Inst f/Environmental Modelling
Mercury v2.09 - Real Software
Merlin v1.6A - Parker, T.M.
MetaChrom - Wippler, Jean-Claude
Meter Challenge v2.00 - ETCAI Products
Metric - Waldrop, Jeff
Metric v2.0 - Foster, J.
Metric-X v2.03 - Orion Development Corporation
MetriCon v5.0 - Schwartz, Harold
Mical v2.2 - Gardner, Andrew
Mical1 - Gardner, Andrew
Mical2 - Gardner, Andrew
Mical3 - Gardner, Andrew
MicFFT v1.2 - Walsh, Craig M.
MicroCad v2.0 - Allaway, David R.
Microcomputer Circuit Analysis - Spectrum Software
MicroLathe v1.52 - Baker, Daniel S.
Micrometer Teacher v1.1 - Amidei, Bill
Microwave Journal Pal - Producer unknown or anonymous
Mineral Mastery v1.1 - DataWave Software
Misty Expression Evaluatr v2.1 - Neuendorffer, Peter
Module - Davis, Mark F.
ModulesH v1.0 - Kocabas, Hikmet
Molecular Biology Help v0.87 - Brendan Babb
Molecular Weight Calculator - Taftan Data
Moonfaze - Baker, Scott
Morse Code Made Easy v3.2 - Brad's Software
Mr. Machinist v2.00A - F1 Computing
Mr. Resistor - Rennie, Gary
MtrxCalc v2.01 - Wye Software
Multi-Conversions v1.2 - Marrero, J.A.
MultiVariate Stat Pkg v2.1 - Kovach Computing Services
Multivariate Stats Package - Peladeau, Normand
MWT 2.87 - MonroeM
MyStars! v2.2 - Relative Data Products
N-Body Simulation v1.6 - Quadling, Henley
Names of Chemical Elements - Boomeria Softworks
Network v2.1 - Wyatt, Kenneth D.
NNTutor v1.0 - ATTG
Nonlinear Regression v3.4 - Sherrod, Phillip H.
Normal Histogram Simultr v9404 - QA Training Tools
NorthCAD-3D v4.2 - The Quest Company
OC Curves Hypgmtrc Smplg v9309 - QA Training Tools
OctaLoop v1.1 - JSH Communications
Ohm's Law Calculator v2.00 - Summerlin, Alan P.
Ohms Law Calculations - Eldridge, C.
OLS regression analysis v2.2 - Salmi, Timo
On Line Nautical Almanac 1997 - Hahn, Karl
On Queue v1.0 - Elias, Victor
Orbital Mechanics v1.0 - Thayer, Don
Ordinary Differntial Eqns v2.5 - Briggs, Keith
Oriana v1.00 - Kovach Computing Services
Oscillo - Allied Services
Our CosmoHood v2.03 - Bondono, Jeff
Oxy-Acetylene Welding v2.01 - Another Company
Parallel Resistance v1.01 - Massey, David C.
Partfull v1.1 - Wheeler Graphics
PC Clock v1.3 - Phillips, MacGregor K.
PC Shortwave Monitor v2.2 - Gitlin, Scott
PC-Draft II Paint Prgrm v3.26 - Natural Software
PC-Draft-CAD v3.06H - Natural Software
PC-ECAP v3.01 - Circuit Systems
PC-Estimator v5.06 - CPR, Inc.
PC-KEY-DRAW v3.0 - Oedware
PC-STRAN v4.10 - Murphy, Joe
PC-Trace v5.01 - Ehlers Technical Consultants
PC-Track v3.1 - Johnson Scientific Internat'l
PCB Utilities - Recording & Music Group
PCBCAD v1.20 - Nevin, Randy
PCRoute v2.21 - Ehlers Technical Consultants
PCStat v2.7 - PC Information Systems
PD CADD v2.1A - Sundtec Software Systems
Pendulum v3.01 - Science Fun
Periodic Table v3.02 - SMI Corporation
Personal CHEMCOM v4.00 - Reed Consulting Services
Personal RADCOM v4.00 - Reed Consulting Services
Pesticide Use Rcrd Keepng v1.3 - Emerald Coast Software
Pests - Caron, Dewey M.
Photo - Marin, Roger
Physics by Pictures v6.2 - SC Physicon Ltd.
Physics Historical Information - Boomeria Softworks
Physics Notes - Boomeria Softworks
Physics Sampler v1.0 - Sprott, Julien C.
Pilgrim Steam Plant Simulator - Krabach, Michael
Pipeline Fluid - Alistair Tees/Tees Engineering
Planetarium v6.5E - Nuesch, Christian
Plotter v7.7 - Wells, Robert Lindsay
Point Five - Pacific Crest Software, Inc.
Polar 2.3 for Windows - Huang, Weiguang
Polynomial Root Finder v1.00 - Steinman, D.A.
Polyroot v1 - Micro Tech Specialists
Portland Cement Concrete Mix - Lipscomb, Don
Power Factor - Lawing, Dewey
Power v1.00 - Byte O'Software
Prime Factor - Producer unknown or anonymous
Prime v1.3 - Karim, Jawed
PrintCAD v1.30 - Ravitz Software, Inc.
PrintCADD v1.09 - Birdseye Enterprises Ltd.
PrintGF v1.26 - Ravitz Software, Inc.
PrintGL v1.56E - Ravitz Software, Inc.
Procalc - Miller, Robert
Process Capablty Qntfctn v9311 - QA Training Tools
Professnl Power CADD v6.5.0W - ProCadd Cadd Development Group
ProjTime v4.0 - Saroff Design
ProMatheus Plus - Blarney Stone Software
Prop Optimizer v2.00 - Bates Engineering
Protab - Strausbaugh, Brad
Q387 v3.63 - Quickware
Qball v3.10 - Hartley, Benjamin W.
Quality Measurement Plan v9210 - QA Training Tools
Quality Trend Mntrng Sim v9403 - QA Training Tools
Quality Trend Monitoring v9403 - QA Training Tools
Quickroute v1.5 - POWERware
Radar Workstation - Technology Service Corporation
Radcalc v1.0 - Barlow, Scott W.
Radio Frequency Chart v1.3 - Fontana, Giorgio
Radio Log - Romao, Margaret
Radiosim v3.0 - Bremenson, Inc.
RAPDistance 1.04, 1 of 3 - Armstrong, John
RAPDistance 1.04, 2 of 3 - Armstrong, John
RAPDistance 1.04, 3 of 3 - Armstrong, John
Ray Tracing Animation Gen v2.1 - Sherrod, Phillip H.
Realize v1.0 - Transcendental Technologies
Relativity Made Simple v2 - Ron Hurst Software
Repeat & Reprdc Measmnts v9309 - QA Training Tools
Resistan v6.2 - Ticknor, Barr E.
Resistance Value Finder v1.01 - Summerlin, Alan P.
Resistor Color Code v2.5 - Graydon, Paul
ResNet v3.3 - Notor Research
Resource & Projects Mgr v3.42 - South Pointe Software
Retaining Walls - Archon Engineering, P.C.
RGB^Techwriter v3.08 - BA^EL Software
Rig-EGF v2.22 - EQF Software
Risiwall - Risi Stone Systems
Roadwork v1.05 - Roadwork Associates
Roman Convertor - McMeans, David S.
Rubber Room v1.0 - Kayman Software
S-parameters of 2-port Devices - Producer unknown or anonymous
S3 Sched v3.1 - Spafford, George
SamfB - Tranzoa Company
Satellite Tech On A Disk v1.00 - TZ-Soft, Inc.
Satellite v94.426 - Hansky, Karsten
Satellites of Saturn 1.0 - Bruton, Dan
Satloc v94.1 - Seaborn, Bob
SatPlot - Science Software
Saturn - Altman, Robert C.
ScanBase v3.1 - Bovee, Tony
Scat v2.0 - Aciran Software Systems
Schematic Plus v0.5 - Poulsen, Steve
Science & Engineering Library - EMS Professional Shareware
Science Factor Pack v3.72 - Science Factor Systems
SciencePak 1.0 for Excel - Hager, David C.
Screen Capture - Baughn, Phil
SE - Carder, David
Section Properties - Archon Engineering, P.C.
Seismicity Report for N. CA - US Geological Survey
Select Edible Endemics Dtabase - Blalack, Russell
Semiconductor X-Ref Libry v3.1 - Custom Software Creators
Signals v3.3 - Easton, Roger L., Jr.
Sim 2 MVSP - Peladeau, Normand
Sim 2 NL - Peladeau, Normand
Sim OC Crvs 123Stg Smplg v9402 - QA Training Tools
Sim2NL v1.1 - Provalis Research
Simply Powerful Estimator v1.A - Hughes, D.L.
Simstat v 3.5e - Peladeau, Normand
Simstat v3.5C - Provalis Research
Sky Planetarium - Dutton, H.
SkyGate for OS/2 v2.0 - AstroGrafx
Skyglobe v3.6 - KlassM Software
SkyMap v2.2 - JASC, Inc.
SkyMap v4.7 - Matson, Rob
Slick Intermod Detector v2.6 - Simple Software Company
Smart10 v2.1 - Sympathetic Software
Smartdraw f/Windows95 v2.02 - SmartDraw Software, Inc.
Smartdraw v2.02 - SmartDraw Software, Inc.
Smplng Insp Strategy Sim v9304 - QA Training Tools
SOL v2.01 - Craig, Scott
Solve Equation Solver - Balch, Peter
Solve v1.1 - Jordan, Lee
SolveCHN v1.4 - Williams, Andrew
SolvEq - Andrade, Lenimar N.
SP v5.3 - Dedhia, D.
SPC EXpert v2.1S - Quality Software Designs, Inc.
Speaker - Hidley, John
Speaker Enclosure v1.0 - Harpster, D.A.
SpeakerDES v1.2 - Hyperformance Softsystems
Spectrum v2.1 - Hess, David E.
Spherical Calculator v1.26 - Wrotniak, J. Andrzej
SPICE v2g6 - Ahmad, Othman
SPICE vTR3e2 - LeFevre, Howard
SpinPlot f/Kwikstat v3.3 rel.7 - TexaSoft
SPLog v3.11 - Alpha Business Software
Spookyphoton - Producer unknown or anonymous
Stages v1.4 - Vanguard Media, Inc.
Star Database/Astronmy Assista - Breedlove, Allen
StarShow Viewer v1.04 - Warme Software
Starview - Digi-Tech
Starware v3.20 - Prag, Arthur B.
Stat Confdnc Tolrnc Lvls v8905 - QA Training Tools
Statools - Dallal, Gerald E.
StatSak - Dallal, Gerald E.
Steam Properties v1.0 - Taftan Data
Storm v95 - Utopia Software
STSOrbit Plus v96.15A - Ransom, David H., Jr.
Success by Design v2.0 - Smith Fiberglass Products
Sun Clock - Katz, Dave
Sun Outage Finder v3.32 - Small, Warren K.
SunsetCAD v1.00 - Pearson, Bruce
Superbeam 2 Lite USA v2.06 - Herndon, Chuck
SuperFlow v1.01 - Advanced Technology Group
Superluminal Communication? - Porthouse, David
SuperMorse v4.15 - Murrah, Lee
Supplr Data Validtn Test v9101 - QA Training Tools
Survey Land Yourself v2.53 - CAVE, Inc.
SWLOGit v1.12 - Toste, David
SWRadio v3.51 - Cooper, Mendel
SymbMath 3.3.2 - Huang, Weiguang
Symbolic SPICE v1.0 [demo] - Instructional Media Center
Tablica/2 v1.2A - Rachwal, Peter
Taguchi Capablty Indices v9312 - QA Training Tools
Takeoff v6.00 - T.E.H., Inc.
Tape Puncher v7.0 - Zakas, Richard
Target Evaluation v1.00 - Rimar, Lee David
Tburn v0.3A [demo] - Alistair Tees/Tees Engineering
Teddy v2.0 [demo] - Mark, G.I. & Pacher, P.
Teli/Solar v1.20 - Tesseract Enterprises Ltd.
Tesla Coil Designer - Noon, Walt
TextModeCad v1.01 - TextModeCad Company
The Brain v1.2 - DP Computing
The Chemist's Screen Saver - Greyson, Jerry
The Listening Room - Sitting Duck Software
The Night Sky v2.09a - Stevely, A. C.
The Predictor v1.3 - Ellis, Don
The Timing Diagrammer v1.3 - SynaptiCAD
The Tubesheet Helper v1.5 - CADsultants
the WEATHER Wiz! - Dennis, Louis R. III
Thermal Insulation Definitions - Producer unknown or anonymous
Time Crafter v1.0 - Aurora Systems Research
Time Study Calculator v1.38 - Hirtreiter, Tom
Timer - Duchek Computer Services
Tline v1.3 - Hardy, Richard M.
Tolrnc Intrvl Cnfdnc Sim v9203 - QA Training Tools
Top Draw v3.1 - Top Software
Topo v3.00 - Burrows, Don
Torganal v3.11 - Blackman, Adrian J.
Torsnl Anal of Steel Memb v3.0 - Archon Engineering, P.C.
Tplot Extra Fonts - Benton, Dudley J.
Tplot v8.17 - Benton, Dudley J.
Trajectory Maker v2.0 - Orbit Horizons
TrakSat v3.0 - Traufler, Paul E.
Transformations of observ v1.7 - Salmi, Timo
Trench v1.08S - MKM Software
Trial Bullet Flight v1.20 - Arp, Donald B.
Triangle Solution & Calculator - Preston, James R.
Trinoml Maj/Min Accptnc v9402 - QA Training Tools
TSLINsolve v3.3B - Salmi, Timo
TVRO Assistant v1.3 - Chris Davis Software Systems
U-Convert-It 2.20 - Block, Fred
Ultimate Calculator 3.0c - Corbier, Daniel
Ultimate Calculator v2.8 - Corbier, Daniel
Unit Converter - Minco Product, Inc.
Unit Costing v1.0 - Electrical Design Software
Units & Volumes v1.1 - X Libris
Units to Units 1.0 - Papple, Michael
Units v5.1 - Josefsson, Lars
Univariate stat measures v2.0 - Salmi, Timo
Universal Converter v2.4 - OEC Systems
Upper Confidence Bounds v9103 - QA Training Tools
UTM Converter - Drury, Malcolm
Van de Graaff Generator v1.0 - Zimmerman, J.
Vehicle Designer v2.0 - Engineers' Shareware
Vernier Caliper Teacher v1.01 - Amidei, Bill
Versamap v1.40 - Culberson, Charles
VGA Geometry Calculator v1.02 - Lica, Julio Cesar
Visual Functions - Softouch Software
Visual Quadratics - Softouch Software
Visual Trigonometry - Softouch Software
VK3UM EME Planner v7.02 - McArthur, Doug
Vollansoft Periodic Table - Vollansoft
WASPS - Orlove, M.J.
Water & Steam Properties v1.2 - Katmar Software
Watts v2.0 - Graydon, Paul
Weather Forecaster v5.0A - Shamrock Software
Weather Master - 4 Star Productions
Weather Radar Plotting Program - Baughn, Phil
Weather v6.0 - Baughn, Phil
WeatherGraphix v3.2A - Vasquez, Tim
Weld Calculator v1.1 - Archon Engineering, P.C.
WinBeam v2.50 - Hesse, David
WinCrete - Archon Engineering, P.C.
WinDatCon v2.0 - Vogel Scientific Software
Windchill Calculator - Homezone
Windchill v1.0 - Cooper, Mendel
Windcool v1.1 - Edwards, Orrin S.
WinFrame - Archon Engineering, P.C.
WINKS v4.1 - TexaSoft
WinMol v1.1A - Ganelin, Pavel V.
WinPlate - Archon Engineering, P.C.
WinPLOT 2.0, 16bit - In Touch Software
WinPLOT 2.0, 32bit - In Touch Software
WinThread - Archon Engineering, P.C.
WinWood - Archon Engineering, P.C.
WL-Plot Graphing Program v2.59 - Loewer, Wesley B.
Wood Beam Design - Producer unknown or anonymous
Woodrow Wilson Physics Inst. - Boomeria Softworks
World v2.9I - Lloyd, Robert L.
Wplot v1.4 - Hood, William G.
X10 Direct Control v1.41 - Huras, David
X10 Event Control v1.20 - Huras, David
XA Command Interpreter v3.0 - Christensen, Bruce
XT-CP290 TSR v2.0 - Christensen, Bruce
XY Calculations, 1 of 2 - Producer unknown or anonymous
XY Calculations, 2 of 2 - Producer unknown or anonymous
XYmath v2.5B - Taylor, Charles
XYSee v4.0A - Insight Advantage
Young's Scientific Secrets - Hubbs, Paul

A complete version of this database, with product descriptions, email, fax, phone, 800, web, postal address, pricing and other information, and a search engine to quickly find specific product types, plus a CD-ROM with all freely distributable products is available from EMS Professional Shareware.
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