Professional Shareware
WinNT Utility Library
The WinNT Utility Library is a carefully selected collection of
freely distributable (Public Domain, freeware, shareware, etc.)
utilities for Windows NT consultants, troubleshooters and power
users. The collection is available on CD-ROM.
A directory database accompanying the
library is a dBASE compatible .DBF file with search program. The
directory database and library are updated every three
months. EMS also buys and sells
old/out-of-print/used WindowsNT products.
Ordering information.
The following are counts of Public Domain, Shareware and free
products in the WinNT Utility Library:
- App. Launchers - 2
- Archivers - 5
- Batch - 5
- Benchmark - 1
- Client Upgrading - 1
- Clocks & Calendars - 6
- Command Line Tools - 5
- Command Prompts - 2
- Compilers - 2
- Cursors - 2
- Data Synchronizing - 1
- Desktop - 1
- Disk Duplication - 2
- Disk Editor - 1
- Disk Optimizer - 3
- Disk Usage - 1
- Documents - 10
- Event Log - 2
- File - 9
- File Compression - 2
- Fonts - 2
- Graphics - 4
- Groups - 1
- Hardware Improvers - 5
- I/O Programming - 1
- Logon Utilities - 1
- Miscellaneous - 2
- Network - 1
- NT 4 Install - 1
- Other Drivers - 9
- Patches - 6
- Print - 1
- Programming Tools - 5
- Registry - 4
- Screen Capture - 2
- Screen Saver - 3
- Security - 7
- Shutdown - 2
- Source Code - 5
- Startup - 4
- TCP/IP Clients - 2
- TCP/IP Finger - 3
- TCP/IP FTP - 4
- TCP/IP Mail - 3
- TCP/IP Misc. - 8
- TCP/IP News - 3
- TCP/IP Servers - 3
- TCP/IP Telnet - 1
- TCP/IP WWW - 1
- Text - 6
- Text Editors - 8
- Video Drivers - 4
- Virus - 1
- Windows Faxing - 2
- WinHelp Files - 2
- WWW Tools - 1
Total PD/Shareware files in library: 181
Total bytes in library: 48806869
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