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Advanced Graphics Programming in Turbo Pascal, Stevens & Watkins, M&T Books, ISBN 1-55851-132-6, 5.25" disk included, $39.95, 3 pounds
Advanced Turbo Pascal, by Herbert Schildt, Borland-Osborne-McGraw Hill, ISBN0-07-881283-6, $21.95, three copies
Advanced Turbo Pascal Programming and Techniques, by Herbert Schildt, OsborneMcGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-881220-8, $18.95, 2 copies
An Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving with Pascal, Second Edition, by G. Michael Schneider, et al., Wiley, ISBN 0-471-80447-9, $30
Applied Data Structures Using Pascal, by Hale and Easton, HEATH, ISBN 0669-07579-5, 5lbs, $39.35
Applying Turbo Pascal Library Units (compatible with 5.0), by Namir Shammas, Wiley, includes 5.25" disks, ISBN 0-471-60616-2, $22.95
Assembly Language for PASCAL Programmers, Steve Holzner, Brady, ISBN 0-13-652975-5, $29.95, two copies

From Basic to Pascal, by Ronald W. Anderson, TAB, ISBN 0-8306-1466-4, 3lbs, $10.95
Borland Pascal 7.0 Programming for Windows, by Tom Swan, Bantam, with 3.5" companion disk, ISBN 0-553-37244-0, $39.95 SOLD
Borland Pascal from Square One, by Jeff Duntemann, Bantam Books, ISBN 0-679-79156-6, 810pp, $29.95

Complete Turbo Pascal, Second Edition (includes version 3.0), by Jeff Duntemann, Scott, Foresman and Company, ISBN 0-673-18600-8, SOLD
Complete Turbo Pascal, Third Edition (for TP 4/5 users), by Jeff Duntemann, Scott, Foresman and Company, ISBN 0-673-38355-5, $24.95
Computing and Problem-Solving with Pascal, by T. Ray Nanney, Prentice Hall, ISBN0-13-164799-7, $24.95

Data Structures Using Pascal, Second Edition, by Tenenbaum and Augenstein, Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-13-196668-5, 5lbs, $20

Fundamentals of Data Structures in Pascal, Second Edition, by Horowitz and Sahni, Computer Science Press, ISBN 0-88175-165-0,4lbs, $29.95

Getting Started in Pascal Programming, Jose Camara and Frederick Puccetti, TAB, ISBN 0-8306-0188-0, $20.00
Graphics Programming in Turbo Pascal 5.5, by Ben Ezzel, Addison-Wesley, ISBN0-201-55076-8, $25, two copies, 4 pounds

Inside Turbo Pascal journals, Cobb Group, $5 per issue, v2n5 May 1990, v2n6 June 1990, v2n7 July 190, v2n12 December 1990, v3n1
Instructor's Guide for Introduction to Pascal and Structured Design, Second Edition, Nell Dale and Chip Weems, Heath, ISBN 0-669-10398-5, $30
Introduction to Computing and Computer Science with Pascal, by Henry M. Walker, Little, Brown, ISBN 0-316-97841-5, 6lbs, $20
Introduction to Pascal, Second Edition, by Rodney Zaks, Sybex, ISBN 0-89588-533-6, $22.95
Introduction to Pascal, by Neil Graham, West, ISBN 0-8299-0334-8, $29, two copies
Introduction to Pascal, Second Edition, by Jim Welsh, and John Elder, Prentice Hall International, ISBN 0-13-491530-5, $29
Introduction to Pascal and Structured Design, by Dale and Orshalick, HEATH, ISBN 0-669-06962-0, 4lbs, $20

Introduction to Pascal and Structured Design, Second Edition, by Nell Dale and Chip Weems, ISBN 0-669-09570-2, battered, $20
Introduction to Pascal Including UCSD Pascal, by Rodnay Zaks, SYBEX, ISBN 0-89588-066-0, 4lbs, $19.95, two copies
Introduction to Turbo Pascal, by Douglas Stivison, Sybex, ISBN 0-89588-269-8, $19.95
Introduction to Turbo Pascal, Second Edition, by Douglas Stivison, Sybex, ISBN 0-89588-414-3, $19.95
An Introduction to Programming and Pascal, by William J. Collins, MacMillan, ISBN 0-02-323780-5, $29
An Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving with Pascal, Second Edition, by Schneider, Weingart and Perlman, Wiley, ISBN 0-471-08216-3, $20, two copies
Instructor's Guide for Pascal, Fourth Edition, by Nell Date and Chip Weems, Heath, ISBN 0-669-34220-3, $39

January 1981, v3n2 February 1991, v3n3 March 1991, Special issues (unnumbered, 3 issues)

Karel the Robot, A Gentle Introduction To The Art Of Programming With Pascal, by Richard E. Pattis, Wiley, ISBN 0-471-08928-1, 2lbs, $19.00

Learn Pascal in Three Days, Second Edition, by Sam Abolrous, Wordware Publishing, includes 3.5" disk, ISBN 1-55622-567-9, $24.95
Learning Pascal Step by Step, by Verna McDermott, et al., Computer Science Press, (hardback), ISBN 0-88175-045-X, $39, two copies

The MacPascal Book, by Goodman and Zeldin, Brady, ISBN 0-89303-644-7, 3lbs, $20
Mastering Turbo Pascal 4.0, Second Edition,by Tom Swan, Hayden Books, ISBN 0-672-48421-8, $22.95, three copies
Mastering Turbo Pascal 5, by Douglas Herget, Sybex, ISBN 0-89588-529-8, $21.95 , 3 copies, 4 pounds
Mastering Turbo Pascal 5.5, third edition, by Tom Swan, Hayden Books, ISBN 0-672-48450-1, $25.95, two copies
Microsoft Quick Pascal Programming, by Kris James, ISBN 1055615-248-5, $22.95

Oh! Pascal!, by Dough Cooper and Michael Clancy, Norton, ISBN 0-393-95205-3, $29
Oh! Pascal!, Second Edition, by Dough Cooper and Michael Clancy, Norton, ISBN 0-393-95445-5, $24.95, four copies
Oh! Pascal!, Turbo Pascal 6.0, Third Edition, missing 3.5" companion disk, by Doug Cooper, Norton, ISBN 0-393-96077-3, $20

Pascal, Second Edition, by James L. Richards, AP, ISBN 0-12-587522-3, 5lbs, $20, two copies
Pascal, Second Edition, by Sanford Leestma and Larry Nyhoff, MacMillan, ISBN 0-02-369690-7, $30

Pascal, Second Edition, by Nell Dale and Chip Weems, Heath, ISBN 0-669-09570-2, poor condition, 4 pounds, $19
Pascal, Second Edition, by Nell Dale and Chip Weems, Heath, ISBN 0-669-09570-2, 4 pounds, $30
Pascal, Fourth Edition, by Nell Dale and Chip Weems, Heath, disk included, ISBN 0-669-34224-6, 5lbs, $30
Pascal for the IBM Computer,Ted G. Lewis, Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-0564-7, 406pp, 15.95 2 copies
Pascal for the IBM PC, IBM DOS, Pascal and UCSD p-System Pascal, by Kevin W. Bowyer and Sherryl J. Tomboulian, ISBN 0-89303-280-8, $17.95, two copies
Pascal for Programmers, by Olivier Lecarme and Jean-Louis Nebut, McGraw-Hill Book Company, ISBN 0-07-036958-5, 3 lbs, $22.95
Pascal, Fourth Edition, by Nell Dale and Chip Weems, Jones and Bartlett, ISBN 0-7637-0397-4, $30
Pascal , Fourth Edition, by Eliot B. Koffman, Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-52710-3, $39.00, two copies
Pascal, by Charles Goldberg et al., Boyd and Fraser, ISBN 087835-139-6, $29
Pascal, An Introduction to Modern Programming, by Larry Joel Goldstein, Holt Rinehart Winston, ISBN 0-03-009928-5, $25
Pascal plus Data Structures, by Nell Dale and Susan Lilly, Heath, ISBN 0-669-07239-7, $29, two copies, 3 pounds
Pascal plus Data Structures, Second Edition, by Nell Dale and Susan Lilly, Heath, ISBN 0-669-15284-6, $29
Pascal plus Data Structures, Third Edition, by Nell Dale and Susan Lilly, Heath, ISBN 0-669-24830-4, $29
Pascal Primer, by David Fox and Mitchell Waite, Howard W. Sams &Co., ISBN 0-672-21793-7, $29
Pascal Primer for the IBM PC, Michael Pardee, The Waite Group, 0-452-25496-5, 292pp, $17.95
PASCAL: A Problem Solving Approach, Including UCSD Pascal, by Elliot B. Koffman, ISBN 0-201-10341-9, 4lbs, $16.95
Pascal Programming and Problem Solving, by Sanford Leestma and Larry Myhoff, Macmillan, ISBN 0-02-369460-2, $29, two copies
Pascal Programming Structures, and Introduction to Systematic Programming, by George W. Cherry, Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-8359-5462-5, $29
Pascal Programs for Data Base Management, by Tom Swan, HAYDEN, ISBN 0-8104-6272-9, 3lbs, $18.95
Pascal Programs for Scientists and Engineers, by Alan Miller, Sybex, ISBN 0-89588-058-x, $10.00
Pascal user Manual and Report, Second Edition, Jensen and Wirth, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 0-387-90144-2, $20.00
Pascal User Manual and Report, Third Edition, ISO Pascal Standard, Kathleen Jensen and Niklaus Wirth, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 0-387-96048-1, 3-540-96048-1, $30
Pascal, Understanding, Programming and Problem Solving, Fourth Edition, by Douglas Nance, West, ISBN 0-314-04306-3, $20.00
Perfect Pascal Programs (UCSD p-System), by Washington Apple Pi editor Robert Platt, TAB Books, ISBN 0-8306-0894-X, $20
Personal Pascal Compiled PASCAL for the IBM Personal Computer, by David E. Cortesi and Georg W. Cherry, Reston, ISBN 0-8359-5522-2, $16.95
Power Graphics Using Turbo Pascal, Covers Turbo Pascal 5.0, by Weiskamp, Heiny and Shammas, WILEY, ISBN 0-471-61841-1, 3lbs, $22.95, two copies
A Practical Introduction to Pascal, by I.R. Wilson and A.M. Addyman, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 0-387-91136-7, $20
A Primer on Pascal, by Richar Conway et al., Little Brown, ISBN 0-316-15416-4, $29
Problem Solving and Structured Programming in Pascal, by Elliot B. Koffman, Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-03893-5, $29, 2 COPIES
Problem Solving and Structured Programming in Pascal, Second Edition, by Elliot B. Koffman, Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-11736-3, $29, three copies, 5 pounds
Problem Solving Using Pascal, by Kenneth L. Bowles, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 0-387-90286-4, $29

Programmer's Introduction to Turbo Pascal for Windows, by Scott D. Palmer, Sybex, with companion 5.25" disk, ISBN 0-7821-1022-3, $29.95
Programming and Problem Solving with Pascal, Second Edition, by Schneider et al., Wiley, ISBN 0-471-08216-3, $39
Programming in Pascal - With Pascal/1000, by Peter Grogono, Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-02889-1, 3lbs, $12.95
Programming in Pascal, Revised Edition, by Peter Grogono, Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-02775-5, $29, two copies
Programming in Pascal, Second Edition, by Peter Grogono, Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-12070-4, 420pp, $19.99
Programming with Pascal, John Konvalina and Stanley Wileman, McGrawHill, ISBN 0-07-035224-0, $39
Programming with PASCAL, by Byron Gottfried, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-023849-9, $10.00
Programming the IBM Personal Computer: UCSD Pascal, IBM Special Edition, Seymour V. Pollack, HRW, ISBN 0-03-062886-5, 3lbs, $20.00
Programming your own Adventure Games in Pascal, by Richard C. Vile, JR., TAB, ISBN 0-8306-0768-4, $20.00

Software for Turbo Pascal Express, by Robert Jourdain, Brady, ISBN 0-13-535337-8, 5.25" diskettes only. $10-SOLD
Standard Pascal, User Reference Manual, by Doug Cooper, Norton, ISBN 0-393-30121-4, $15.95

Turbo Pascal for the MAC, by Goodman & Zeldin, Brady Publishing, ISBN 0-13-933011-9, $19.95, 3 pounds
Turbo Pascal 7.0, Fourth Edition, by Walter J. Savitch, Benjamin/Cummings, ISBN 0-8053-0418-5, 5lbs, $20
Turbo Pascal, A Problem Solving Approach, by Elliot Kaufman, Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-11743-6, $10.00
Turbo Pascal Edition, by Walter J. Savitch, Benjamin/Cummings, ISBN0-8053-8384-0, $29.95
Turbo Pascal Internals, Version 5.5, Missing 2 companion disks, by Tischer, Abacus, ISBN 1-55755-080-8, 5lbs, $20
Turbo Pascal, Programming 101, by Charles Calvert, SAMS, ISBN 0-672-30285-3, $29.95
Turbo Pascal, Programming and Problem Solving, by M. Settle & M. Boillot, West, ISBN 0-314-62308-6, disc missing, $10.00
Turbo Pascal Program Library, Rugg-Feldman, Que, ISBN 0-88022-277-1, $19.95
Turbo Pascal, The Complete Reference, Covers Version 4, by Stephen K. O'Brien, Borland-Osborne/McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-881290-9, $24.95, two copies
Turbo Pascal 5.5, The Complete Reference, by Stephen K. O'Brien, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-881501-0, $26.95
Turbo Pascal 6, The Complete Reference, by Stephen O'Brien, Borland Osborne McGrawHill, ISBN 0-07-881703-X, $39.95 SOLD
Turbo Pascal 4 The Pocket Reference, by Kris Jamsa, Borland/ Osborne Mcgraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-881379-4, 2lbs, $5.95, two copies
Turbo Pascal 4.0 Developer's Library, by Edward Rought & Thomas Hoops, SAMS, ISBN 0-672-22635-9, $24.95

Turbo Pascal 4.0/5.0, by Walter J. Savitch, Benjamin/Cummings Publishing, ISBN 08053-0410-x, $15.00

Turbo Pascal, Third Edition, by Nell Dale and Chip Weems, D.C. Heath and Co., ISBN 0-669-26951-4, $41.85
Turbo Pascal by Example (also covers Borland Pascal), by Greg Perry, Que, ISBN0-88022-908-X, $22
Turbo Pascal for BASIC Programmers, by Paul Garrison, Que, ISBN 0-88022-167-4, $30
Turbo Pascal for Windows 3.0 Programming, by tom Swan, Borland Bantam, ISBN 0-553-35293-8, $29.95
Turbo Pascal Programming and Problem Solving, by Leestma and Nyhoff, Macmillan, ISBN 0-02-369411-4, 5lbs, $20
Turbo Pascal Programs for Scientists and Engineers, by Alan R. Miller, Sybex, ISBN 0-89588-424-0, $19.95
Turbo Pascal Self Teaching Guide (covers through 6.0), by Keith Weiskamp, Wiley, ISBN 0-471-54492-2, $23
Turbo Pascal Toolbox, Second Edition (Through Version 5), by Frank Dutton, Sybex, ISBN: 0-89588-602-2, $30
Turbo Pascal Toolbox- A Programmer's Guide, by Paul Garrison, TAB, ISBN 0-8306-0152-X, 3lbs, $25.95, Two copies

UCSD Pascal, A beginner's guide to programming microcomputers, by J. Hume and R. Holt, Reward Books, ISBN 0-8359-7913-X, $29, three copies
Understanding Pascal, by F. Ray Skilton, Wm. C. Brown Company Publishers, ISBN0-697-08256-3, $30
Understanding Turbo Pascal: Programming and Problem Solving, with Turbo 6.0 and 7.0, by Douglas W. Nance, West, ISBN 0-314-02812-9
Using Turbo Pascal 5, by Steve Wood, Borland Osborne/Mc Graw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-881-496-0, $22.95, two copies
Using Turbo Pascal, by Steve Wood, Borland Osborne McGraw Hill, ISBN 0-07-881284-4, $19.95
Using Turbo Pascal, Covers Version 3.0, by Steve Wood, Borland Osborne McGraw Hill, ISBN 0-07-881148-1, $19.95
Using Turbo Pascal 6.0-7.0, Third Edition, by Julien Hennefeld, PWS Publishing, ISBN0-534-94398-5, 3.5" disc included, $35.00

World of ObjectWindows for Turbo Pascal, Borland Visions Video Series, two VHS NTSC tapes, $89


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