Hunting. Corel Photo CD #195000, Click here for price and stock details

The following is a list of the photos on Corel's "Hunting" Photo CD. To see 799 other Corel Photo CDs available for sale from EMS, click here. To buy this CD, please read our ordering instructions. Specific photos are available via email (as backup to physical CD) for $5 each when you purchase the physical CD containing the photo.

195000 - Camouflaged turkey hunter firing at gobbler in woods. (hunter;gun;people;trees;) .
195001 - Duck-shooting on small pond. (hunter;gun;ducks;pond;) .
195002 - Bird hunter in irrigated field in desert. (hunter;gun;field;people;) .
195003 - Successful turkey hunter with his trophy gobbler. (hunter;gun;people;turkey;) .
195004 - Trophy hunter shooting huge 40"-class Stone Sheep. (hunter;people;sheep;rockface;) .
195005 - Bow hunter at full draw. (bow;arrow;hunter;people;) .
195006 - Deer hunter waits on stand at dawn of opening day. (gun;hunter;people;dawn;) .
195007 - Hunter with trophy Osborn (Mountain) Caribou. (hunter;people;mountain;caribou;) .
195008 - Bow hunter at full draw. (bow;arrow;hunter;people;) .
195009 - Successful rabbit hunter and beagle. (hunter;people;gun;rabbit;) .
195010 - Deer hunter aims at large trophy Whitetail. (gun;hunter;people;trees;) .
195011 - Hunter with trophy Elk. (elk;hunter;people;snow;) .
195012 - Bow hunter at full draw. (bow;arrow;hunter;people;) .
195013 - Hunter with big Osborn Caribou in northern B.C.. (caribou;hunter;people;rocks;) .
195014 - Bow hunter in snow-camouflaged. (bow;arrow;hunter;people;) .
195015 - Big game hunter uses binoculars to glass for game. (binoculars;gun;hunter;people;) .
195016 - Bow hunter in snow-camouflaged. (people;hunter;bow;arrow;) .
195017 - Chocolate Lab retrieves Canada Goose. (dog;goose;grass;clearing;) .
195018 - Bow hunter. (bow;arrow;hunter;people;) .
195019 - Cock Bobwhite Quail and over-and-under shotgun. (quail;bird;gun;blanket;) .
195020 - Turkey hunter aims at wild gobbler. (gun;hunter;people;turkey;) .
195021 - Hunter aims at 6ft. Royal Bull Elk. (hunter;people;close-up;gun;) .
195022 - Varmint hunting. (gun;people;hunter;binoculars;) .
195023 - Gun hunter in snow-camouflaged. (hunter;people;snow;trees;) .
195024 - Quail hunter with German Shorthaired Pointer. (dog;gun;hunter;people;) .
195025 - Duck hunting. (gun;hunter;people;water;) .
195026 - Trophy Caribou. (caribou;gun;antlers;rocks;) .
195027 - Packstring arrives at hunting camp in mountains. (trees;mountains;sky;clouds;) .
195028 - Deer hunter shooting from stand in front of rocky bluff. (gun;hunter;people;bluff;) .
195029 - Quail hunter flushes bird. (hunter;gun;people;trees;) .
195030 - Duck hunting. (people;hunter;gun;water;) .
195031 - Pheasant hunter takes long shot at Cockbird. (hunter;gun;bird;people;) .
195032 - Horseman picks his way through lovely mountain valley. (horse;valley;people;grass;) .
195033 - Mountain hunter fires at game. (gun;hunter;people;close-up;) .
195034 - Pheasant hunters flush Cock Pheasant. (gun;hunters;bird;sky;) .
195035 - Happy hunter with Alaskan Brown Bear. (gun;hunter;people;binoculars;) .
195036 - Quail hunters flush bird. (people;hunter;trees;grass;) .
195037 - Packing horse with trophy Caribou antlers. (horse;antlers;people;mountain;) .
195038 - Pheasant taken with winchoke. (bird;pheasant;gun;close-up;) .
195039 - Mountain camp-the hunter returns. (horse;people;tent;trees;) .
195040 - Bird hunter about to flush Chukar Partridge. (hunter;people;gun;grass;) .
195041 - Pair of upland bird hunters hunting with Brittany Spaniel. (people;hunters;gun;dog;) .
195042 - Bird hunter and dogs amble down peaceful country lane. (hunter;dogs;gun;lane;) .
195043 - Upland bird hunter with his pedigreed Weimaraner. (hunter;people;dog;gun;) .
195044 - Successful pheasant hunter with German Shorthaired Pointer. (gun;hunter;people;dog;) .
195045 - Packstring crosses beautiful mountain river. (horse;people;river;water;) .
195046 - Mountain hunter aims at huge trophy Stone Sheep. (mountain;sheep;gun;hunter;) .
195047 - Deer hunter shooting from tree stand. (hunter;gun;people;tree;) .
195048 - Packstring wends its way back into camp. (horses;trees;trail;sky;) .
195049 - Quail hunter accepts retrieve from pointer. (hunter;people;gun;dogs;) .
195050 - Southern quail hunter and pointer-points covey of birds. (hunter;gun;trees;dog;) .
195051 - Hunting camp in mountains. (camp;tent;horse;trees;) .
195052 - Hunters with English Setter and Brittany Spaniel on point. (hunters;gun;people;dogs;) .
195053 - Trophy Black Bear and quality hunting knife. (knife;bear;log;trees;) .
195054 - Pheasant hunters flush Cockbird. (bird;hunters;people;gun;) .
195055 - Hunter with trophy Whitetail. (gun;deer;people;hunter;) .
195056 - Hunter approaches trophy Caribou he has just downed. (hunter;caribou;antlers;sky;) .
195057 - Turkey hunter hefts downed bird. (turkey;hunter;people;gun;) .
195058 - Hunter with trophy Whitetail. (deer;hunter;gun;people;) .
195059 - Hunter and dog flush Pheasant. (hunter;bird;people;gun;) .
195060 - Successful turkey hunter with trophy gobbler. (hunter;turkey;trees;people;) .
195061 - Hunter packs out nice Pronghorn. (hunter;people;bushes;snow;) .
195062 - Hunter shows big Caribou bull he has just downed. (hunter;people;caribou;antlers;) .
195063 - Successful turkey hunter with trophy gobbler. (turkey;people;hunter;gun;) .
195064 - Hunter with trophy Caribou. (caribou;gun;people;hunter;) .
195065 - Rabbit hunting. (rabbit;people;hunter;gun;) .
195066 - Gambel's Quail hunting in the desert. (hunter;people;desert;sky;) .
195067 - Bird hunter flushes Bobwhite Quail. (hunter;people;gun;trees;) .
195068 - Glassing timber on mountainside for game. (horse;people;hunter;trees;) .
195069 - Quail hunters flush single Bobwhite Cock. (hunters;people;guns;bird;) .
195070 - Glassing for game. (horse;people;sky;clouds;) .
195071 - Hunter shows trophy Mountain Goat he has just shot. (goat;hunter;people;rocks;) .
195072 - Bringing out the moose trophy. (moose;hunter;people;trees;) .
195073 - Rabbit hunter and beagle flush Cottontail. (rabbit;hunter;gun;people;) .
195074 - Hunter flushes pheasant. (gun;hunter;people;bird;) .
195075 - Shooting from tree stand. (trees;people;gun;hunter;) .
195076 - Packing out trophy moose antlers. (antlers;horse;hunter;people;) .
195077 - Trophy Dall. (dall;rocks;grass;antlers;) .
195078 - German Shorthair Pointer retrieving pheasant. (pheasant;bird;dog;grass;) .
195079 - Deer hunter shooting from tree stand. (hunter;people;trees;gun;) .
195080 - Pair of hunters flush Cock Pheasant. (hunters;guns;people;bird;) .
195081 - Mountain hunter aims at game across canyon. (hunter;canyon;gun;people;) .
195082 - Leading freshly loaded packhorse over to hitching rack. (horse;people;hunter;trees;) .
195083 - Hunter aims at Wild Turkey. (hunter;gun;people;trees;) .
195084 - Successful pheasant hunter pats German Shorthaired Pointer. (people;bird;dog;gun;) .
195085 - Hunter checks gun in front of A-Frame hunting cabin. (gun;hunter;people;cabin;) .
195086 - Turkey hunter aims at big gobbler. (hunter;people;gun;bird;) .
195087 - The hunting camp. (camp;trees;people;hunters;) .
195088 - Packstring moves through mountain valley. (horse;valley;trees;people;) .
195089 - Big game hunter pauses beside high alpine bluff. (hunter;gun;people;bluff;) .
195090 - Upland bird hunter with his pedigreed Weimaraner. (gun;hunter;people;dog;) .
195091 - Hunting knives. (knives;wood;handles;close-up;) .
195092 - Hunting knife and fine engraved shotgun. (knife;gun;sky;close-up;) .
195093 - Quail hunter flushes small covey. (hunter;people;gun;water;) .
195094 - Chocolate Lab retrieves Canada Goose. (dog;goose;birds;grass;) .
195095 - Big game hunting. (hunter;people;grass;hillside;) .
195096 - Wilderness hunting. (hunters;people;trees;snow;) .
195097 - Hunter glasses snowy mountainside for game. (hunter;people;gun;sky;) .
195098 - Trophy hunter shooting huge 40"-class Stone Sheep. (hunter;people;gun;hillside;) .
195099 - Bird hunting in corn field. (hunter;gun;people;sky;) .

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